Sending Love to Heal
One of our core values at Cazarin Interactive is the value of relationships. As a Minneapolis, Minnesota-based company, and as a team, we’d like to share our thoughts on current events in our community: We are concerned, troubled, and heartbroken at the death of George Floyd.
As a society, we must call for major changes. We must respect ourselves and our community. Listen, learn, and engage from your heart. Be respectful of others, their beliefs, feelings, and opinions — and peacefully, in respect, call out when you see an injustice. This change will take time and will require continued education and dedicated work to dismantle the oppressive systems that have existed for so long, but it will come through because we are much stronger together than apart.
As a premier team of marketing professionals in our community, we believe in spreading compassion, love, and understanding. A community built on understanding and common purpose is a better community, building a stronger Minnesota, and a better America. We stand in solidarity with the fight against systemic racism, white supremacy, and the historic oppression of the African American community.
We know that we are not alone. We know with each action and event, there’s an opportunity for all of us to contribute to our healing by being open to conversation, listening, learning, and taking action for kindness and change in a peaceful manner. We encourage this community to do the same.
It’s simply not enough to speak out about the injustices that continue to plague our community.
We challenge you to go to www.oneactofkindness.org and do something good in your community. Together we can heal in peace.
Opportunities to Help and Resources
Anti-Racism Resources – Includes reading resources, tools for white parents to raise anti-racist children, videos to watch, and more.
Donations to NAACP – “The NAACP is at the forefront of the movement to build political power and ensure the wellbeing of communities of color. Underscoring the advocacy of our 2,200 local units across the country, we empower our communities to make democracy work for them.”