
What Does It Mean and What is ‘Content is King’

If you don’t have anything good or nice to say, then just say nothing at all.  Who else remembers this from childhood days?  Whether it was spoken by a teacher or your mom, these words ring true even still today.  Little did mom know she was talking about content.  In a sense, anyway.  What she meant was that words matter.  They did then, and they certainly do now.   

In today’s digital market, content, more specifically content marketing, is how we use our words to influence those around us; therefore meaning content is king!  It’s everything! 

Isn’t Content Just Describing My Product or Service?

Yes and no! Content marketing wasn’t a thing many years ago.  Businesses engaged in factual campaigns describing products and services and did very little to build interest around their brand.  Today, a brand must build a story of how their product or service makes life better.  These content stories influence buyers to make purchasing decisions and create positive brand experiences.  

Why Does Content Matter For My Business – Benefits of Content Marketing

Your website and social media pages are your digital business cards and likely the first place new customers go to learn who you are and what you do.  With the right keywords, the right stories, and strong SEO, your content builds trust with your customers and:

  • Keeps your audience coming back
  • Positions your business (brand) as an authority 
  • Gives you high-quality business leads
  • Places your business at the top of SERP (search engine results page)

The right content written for the right customers has powerful impacts on real sales growth.  Check out the content marketing strategy and SEO results for AR North

What Type of Content Is Right For My Brand

Keeping customers interested in your brand is different for every business. The best way to gain a competitive advantage is to create written and visual content that stands out, including: 

  • Website or Landing Page 
  • Social media posts
  • Customer testimonials
  • Case studies
  • Blog posts
  • Video content for scripts
  • Infographics
  • Email marketing
  • Promotions and Contests

Having lots of valuable content inside your website and on your social platforms keeps people coming back and interested in what’s happening with your brand.  Posting more content means more people will discover your brand, leading to more website visits, more sharing, and a better chance of connecting with your brand. 


Creating a content marketing strategy is the most impactful way to grow your brand. You can build your own content strategy, but you find you are stuck creating your content, consider partnering with a content marketer that is well versed in SEO strategies and content writing. The content specialists at Cazarin Interactive know what to write, when to write it and when to post content to reach your ideal customers. Reach out at to chat with one of our team members about your strategy for Inbound Marketing.

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