AB Testing Cazarin Interactive Blog

What is A/B Testing?

At a high level, A/B testing (also sometimes referred to as split testing, multivariate testing, or bucket testing) is a statistical way of comparing two or more versions of the same tactic to determine which version performs better.

Why does A/B Testing matter for my business?

Sometimes businesses are unhappy with unqualified leads they’re receiving each month or feel stagnant in eCommerce store sales. They wonder what the problem could be: Do they not have a good ad? A good landing page? A good call to action? Maybe the price is too high? Conversion funnel problems, drop-offs on the payment page, and regular cart abandonment plague every company with an online presence. Understanding how different factors play into the conversion issues they’re experiencing can direct companies to make more favorable decisions that help their bottom line. A/B testing allows you to receive data directly from customer behavior. In essence, if you’re not A/B testing your site, you’re leaving dividends on the table.

How Cazarin Uses A/B Testing

Each Cazarin Interactive client is unique which means we take a tailored, data-driven approach every time. We use the opportunity provided by our Marketing Fusion program to discuss pain points, user experience troubles, and the historical success or failure of certain tactics to come up with A/B testing experiments to optimize our client’s digital marketing efforts.

For example, one of our clients wanted to drive traffic to specific landing pages for online study guides. The main KPI was page session duration by budget spent. The first A/B test was to run the same ad on different platforms, i.e. Facebook and Google Ads. After running the same campaign on two separate platforms for a few weeks, we were able to determine which platform allowed longer participation on the site for the most affordable price.

As with most blog sites, users come to the page, read it, then leave, leading to an overall high bounce rate. We took A/B testing further for this client to determine if splash pages could help us define the target demographic intent rate. By using heatmaps to view user behavior, we realized that even though what we had first determined to be the most affordable price on one platform did not ultimately lead to the best target demographic. We were able to detect the difference, adjust the budgets and target demographic between the two platforms to most optimize campaign spend, and reach a true “most minutes per dollar” KPI.

Setting up A/B Testing with Cazarin

If you have a landing page, email marketing campaign, or paid campaign ad and truly wish to see how it performs, speak with a team member at Cazarin Interactive to get started with A/B testing. We enjoy experimenting, digging through data, and optimizing your website presence help you to reach your KPIs and ultimately increase sales online.

Let us know if we can help you in any way at marketing@cazarin.com.

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