Dear Valued Client:
Cazarin Interactive wants you to know that we are aware of the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) that goes into effect on Friday, 5/25/18. To help you understand the GDPR, and how it applies to you and your website, we have put together the following information, recommendations, and helpful resources.
GDPR – The Basics
- If you store data for, or sell/advertise to residents of the European Union (EU), GDPR applies to you
- GDPR gives EU residents more visibility and control over their personal data, how websites collect it, who they share it with, and what tracking technologies they use
- GDPR requires you to inform customers of what information you collect, store, and share, and has specific rules around the consent you need before you can collect personal data on EU citizens
- GDPR requires you to only store personal information of EU residents for a defendable period of time
Cazarin Recommendations
- If you do not intend to sell or advertise to EU residents, include a disclaimer on your website form(s) and in your Privacy Policy that you abide by American Regulations for data collection only
- If you do advertise and/or sell to residents of the EU, we recommend a GDPR compliant Privacy Policy, opt-in practices, data storing and deletion, and notice of cookie use
- If you want to ensure you are 100% covered, there are companies that will perform a thorough GDPR audit to make sure you are fully compliant
- To implement a disclaimer on your website, reach out to your Cazarin project manager to schedule the additions
- If you wish to become 100% compliant with GDPR, Cazarin will implement any changes/updates to your website as instructed
Resources to Learn More
There are countless available resources on the GDPR that you can find from trusted sources across the internet. Below are a few that we have found most helpful:
- https://wordstream-files-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/documents/guide_to_gdpr.pdf
- https://www.hubspot.com/data-privacy/gdpr-checklist
- https://www.rsa.com/content/dam/en/white-paper/a-practical-guide-for-gdpr-compliance-osterman-research.pdf
- https://www.hallaminternet.com/how-to-make-your-website-gdpr-compliant/
The above information is not legal advice. The information, recommendations, and resources were put together to help the clients of Cazarin Interactive understand and prepare for the GDPR implementation.